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Scholarships Available 

EFW College Freshman Scholarships (for current high school seniors)

  • The Engineering Foundation of Wisconsin Scholarship
    4 Scholarships, of $2,500 each.


  • The WSPE Past Presidents Scholarship
    1 Scholarship of $2,500.

  • The Harold D. Kobbervig Memorial Scholarship
    Up to 2 to 5 Scholarships of $2,500 to $7,500 each. Limited to high schools in Racine, Kenosha and Walworth Counties.

There are other scholarships that are awarded through the local WSPE chapters to the students in their geographic area.

2024-2025 Scholarship information


The Scholarship Program is closed for 2024-2025. 


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EFW Information

Support today for tomorrow's engineers


Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin

Since 1981, the Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin (EFW), has been dedicated to providing scholarships and support to outstanding high school students pursuing engineering as a professional career.

Sponsored by the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers, the EFW promotes engineering education through annual scholarships. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement, community involvement, extracurricular activities and need.

The Louis C Geiger Scholarship is named after Louis C. Geiger. Louis, who as the 1968 WSPE President, advanced the engineering profession and our High School Students Awards Program.

EFW is funded solely through voluntary contributions.


You can make a difference in a young engineer's life today!

For options how you can become involved, please see how to Support Engineering Students.


All contributions are 100% tax deductible.

If you or your firm, are/is interesting in starting a scholarship in your name refer to the process in which donors can establish an engineering scholarship fund in the name of any person or entity.

See the AGREEMENT for establishment of a scholarship fund.


Forward scholarship questions to or for more information, contact Glen Jablonka. Please contact us today to find out how.

Useful Links

Mission Statement

NSPE-WI is an organization of licensed Professional Engineers (PEs) and Engineering Interns/Engineers in Training (EIs/EITs). NSPE-WI enhances the image of its members and their ability to ethically and professionally practice engineering through education, licensure advocacy, leadership training, multi-disciplinary networking, and outreach.


T: 414-531-1129


PO Box 430
Pewaukee, WI  53072-0430

© 2020 by NSPE-WI

Gold Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors

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