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NSPE-WI Officer's Responsibilities


Here are the officers and job descriptions for leadership positions at the state and chapter level for NSPE-WI

Note there is a reimbursement policy for a portion of the NSPE dues that applies to Chapter Officer positions.  Review the policy here.


The president shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors; shall be, ex-officio, a member of all committees; shall appoint chairs and members of all committees; and have general direction of the business of the Society.

Typical duties and responsibilities include but not limited to:

  • Arrange, conduct, and oversee meetings

  • Prepare meeting agenda

  • Participate in programs such as scholarships, MATHCOUNTS, Discovery Conference, and officer nominations

  • Keep members informed of current events

  • Encourage membership


The president-elect shall act as president in the president's absence, and shall undertake assignments at the request of the president or the Board. The principal activity of the president-elect shall be an assessment of the Society, and the development of plans for the following year.

Typical duties and responsibilities include but not limited to:

  • Attend all meeting and preside if requested

  • Learn the duties of the President's office in advance of serving their term as President

  • Help the president with their duties where possible

  • Take a pro-active role in state governance by offering solutions to problems and then following through with their implementation

Vice Presidents

The vice president(s) shall have such duties as the president or Board may assign. In the absence of, or in case of the inability of the president and president-elect to serve, it shall be the duty of one of the vice presidents to perform all the duties of the president. The selection of which vice-president shall assume the duties of the president shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board.


It shall be the duty of the treasurer to protect all money and records of account of the Society, make an annual report of receipts and disbursements to the Society; give such security, to secure the faithful discharge of duties as may be determined from time to time by the Board. The fee for security shall be paid out of the treasury of the Society. At the expiration of the term of office, all books, papers, and money belonging to the Society shall be turned over to the successor treasurer, who shall give the preceding treasurer a receipt therefore.

Typical duties and responsibilities include but not limited to:

  • Oversee financial status

  • Keep accurate records of:

    • Accounts receivable

    • Accounts payable

    • Annual budget

  • Maintain a ledger of all accounts

  • Pay accounts payable in an appropriate and reasonable timeframe

  • Ensure that bank funds and fund accesses are safe from fraudulent access.

  • Provide regular report to board of financial status

  • Notify board of any financial issues they should be knowledgeable about

  • Submit to IRS annual tax return on behalf of NSPE-WI supporting “Not for Profit” tax status


The secretary shall record proper proceedings of meetings and perform such duties as are required by law, or assigned by the Board.

Typical duties and responsibilities include but not limited to:

  • Record the meeting minutes for each of the board meetings

    • Meeting start and adjourn times

    • Attendance

    • Corrections to last meeting minutes

    • Meeting issues as meeting progresses

  • Submit a copy of the meeting minutes to all board members within a few days after each meeting

  • Maintain file of meeting minutes for records

NSPE Delegate

The Delegate to the House of Delegates shall attend and represent the Society at the NSPE House of Delegates Assembly and represent the Society in all other matters of the House of Delegates. The Delegate shall report actions taken by the House of Delegates to the Society Board of Directors and shall consult with the Board of Directors on a regular basis to properly represent the wishes of the Society before the House of Delegates.

Mission Statement

NSPE-WI is an organization of licensed Professional Engineers (PEs) and Engineering Interns/Engineers in Training (EIs/EITs). NSPE-WI enhances the image of its members and their ability to ethically and professionally practice engineering through education, licensure advocacy, leadership training, multi-disciplinary networking, and outreach.


T: 414-531-1129


PO Box 430
Pewaukee, WI  53072-0430

© 2020 by NSPE-WI

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