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Engineers across the United States cooperate to conduct the regional round of MATHCOUNTS, a national mathematics competition for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.  Schools compete with 4 members per team.  They are also allowed up to ten additional individuals for a potential of up to 14 total students from a school.  Winners at the regional event advance on to the State competition.  Winners at the State level advance on to the National competition.


Students and teachers begin preparation for MATHCOUNTS in November.  This journey leads the students to compete in February on written and oral rounds testing their skills in a broad array of math problems.  The problems include probability, geometry, statistics, and linear algebra.


The program is designed to enhance the math skills of our students and promote excellence in mathematics.  The goal is to draw attention to math skills at the pre-college preparation level.  This will hopefully encourage students to take all the math courses they can through high school.    


Please visit for further information regarding the MATHCOUNTS program. 


In Wisconsin, there are 8 Chapter (regional) competitions.   These competitions are conducted in February.

The Chapters competitions are Fox River Valley, Greater Milwaukee, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Waukesha, Western, and WI Valley.


The State competition is conducted in March.   It is hosted by our title sponsor – Acuity Insurance in Sheboygan, WI.


The National competition is conducted in May.



For information regarding the current dates and locations of the Chapter competitions, please see the instructions below on how to find this information on the MATHCOUNTS website.


State MATHCOUNTS Coordinator: Todd Kinney



Donations are welcome.  

Send to WSPE MATHCOUNTS at P.O. Box 430, Pewaukee WI 53072

All donations are considered a charitable 501(c)(3) donation.

Instructions to view current competition details (date, location, & coordinator):


Go to the MATHCOUNTS website:


Click on PROGRAMS in the menu bar. Then select “Local Program Information”.


Click on the SEARCH COMPETITIONS button


Select WI for the State and then click on APPLY.


Clicking on any Chapter or the State competition will display the date, location, and coordinator.


Mission Statement

NSPE-WI is an organization of licensed Professional Engineers (PEs) and Engineering Interns/Engineers in Training (EIs/EITs). NSPE-WI enhances the image of its members and their ability to ethically and professionally practice engineering through education, licensure advocacy, leadership training, multi-disciplinary networking, and outreach.


T: 414-531-1129


PO Box 430
Pewaukee, WI  53072-0430

© 2020 by NSPE-WI

Gold Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors

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