NSPE Benefits
NSPE is the nationwide umbrella engineering society uniting and serving all engineering disciplines, much as the AMA serves all specialties of the medical profession. NSPE unites and articulates the engineering profession towards common ethics, training and performance standards.
NSPE articulates and updates engineering ethics standards which ensure that the health and safety of the public and the environment remain paramount in the performance of the engineers’ duties, irrespective of the engineers’ specialty or employment situation.
PE magazine is packed with up-to-the-minute reporting and articles covering licensing, education, employment, ethics, legal and liability issues, and more. Members’ only e-newsletters, like NSPE Update, Daily Designs, and the U.S. Engineering Press Review offer the latest news on shifting trends and new technologies. Online forums allow members to share ideas and experience with other engineers from every specialty.
Licensure programs offer members a range of tools to help achieve and maintain their professional licenses. Online courses provide a time-effective option for engineers who want to sharpen their knowledge and skills – from standards management to professional ethics. Self-study videos are a cost-sensitive way to build expertise and earn qualifying professional development hours. Members who wish to study with other professionals in their community can choose from a range of local programs and courses in their area.
NSPE's online job board allows employers to post – and job seekers to search – top engineering employment opportunities throughout the country. The Engineering Income & Salary Survey gives members access to the latest industry earning statistics, from the nation's largest interactive survey of working engineers.
Through Interest Groups, online forums, and live events, members can reach engineers across the country and in their local area. Each year, the NSPE Annual Conference brings together engineering colleagues, clients, and vendors to make important connections at vibrant locations around the country.
NSPE Interest Groups allow members an opportunity to share ideas and network with colleagues within their engineering discipline. Leadership and volunteer opportunities offer many options for positive participation within your community. For those members in the midst of a career change, our online career transition forum is a rich source of ideas and opportunities from across the profession.
Through its government relations efforts, NSPE projects a powerful voice advocating the interests of the engineering profession. Resources available in the Legislative Action Center allow NSPE members to contact legislators and track legislation of interest to them as engineers. Partnering organizations like Engineers Week, MATHCOUNTS, JETS, NICET, NABIE, and NAFE, along with public outreach activities, demonstrate the positive impact engineering has on everyday lives.
See more at NSPE.org.
NSPE-WI Benefits
NSPE-WI represents NSPE in Wisconsin. NSPE-WI is the only society in Wisconsin that represents all branches of engineering, devoting its efforts to the professional, ethical, economic, political and social aspects of engineering. The NSPE-WI produces a eNewsletter for its members as well as a yearly Membership Directory. The Society presents the annual Discovery Conference (professional development), the Governor’s New Product Award competition, as well as the local and state MATHCOUNTS competitions. NSPE-WI recognizes local engineering leaders with its annual awards and provides scholarships in partnership with the Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin (EFW).
Local Chapter Benefits
NSPE-WI local chapters offer engineers the chance to network and gain professional referrals through contacts with colleagues in their communities.
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